
Each year IFCBAA present the below awards at our National Conference. It is a chance to recognise the amazing work and input our members have on the industry and acknowledge the support they give to the association. 

Nominations are now open for the 2023/2024 Membership year. Click on the Nominate button to nominate a colleague or yourself for one of the below awards. 

State Individual Member of the Year

The International Forwarders & Customs Brokers Association of Australia (IFCBAA) is delighted to announce the annual IFCBAA State Member of the Year Award. This Award recognises an exemplary member of the industry from New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia.   

The recipient of this award must meet the below criteria:

 Is an IFCBAA Individual Member.
 Demonstrates high levels of positive company and/or industry impact.
 Aligns to the goals and objectives of IFCBAA.
 Supports IFCBAA by attending events and actively engaging with the association.

Student of the Year

The International Forwarders & Customs Brokers Association of Australia (IFCBAA) is delighted to announce the annual IFCBAA Student of the Year Award. As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) IFCBAA is well aware of the significant level of commitment required by students in this sector to complete the higher level qualifications, particularly the Diploma of Customs Broking and the Diploma of International Freight Forwarding, both offered by IFCBAA. This award recognises two exemplary students studying the Diploma of Customs Broking and the Diploma of International Freight Forwarding.

The student receiving this award must meet the below criteria:

 Is a current ITALC student.
 Shows diligent attendance to training sessions.
 Participates in all classes and submits high quality work for every task.
 Goes above and beyond in their studies to gain a deeper understanding of the wider industry.
 Attends IFCBAA events and forums.


Trainer of the Year

The International Forwarders & Customs Brokers Association of Australia (IFCBAA) is delighted to announce the annual IFCBAA Trainer of the Year Award. This award recognises an exemplary trainer teaching wthin the industry.

The recipient of this award must meet the below criteria:

 Is a member of IFCBAA.
 Delivers quality feedback to all students.
 Committed to their own learning by engaging with industry and VET training.
 Goes above and beyond for their students,
 Supports IFCBAA in all areas including event attendance, industry matters and course material updates. 

National Business Member of the Year

The International Forwarders & Customs Brokers Association of Australia (IFCBAA) is delighted to announce the annual IFCBAA National Business Member of the Year Award. This award recognises an exemplary company within the industry.

The company receiving this award must meet the below criteria:

 Is a Business Member of IFCBAA
 Demonstrates commitment to investing in staff learning and development.
 Demonstrates a positive impact on the wider industry.
 Aligns to the goals and objectives of IFCBAA.
 Supports IFCBAA by attending events and actively engaging with the association.



Young Professionals Award

The International Forwarders & Customs Brokers Association of Australia (IFCBAA) is delighted to announce the annual IFCBAA Young Professionals Award. With the current Skills Shortage IFCBAA understands the importance of highlighting the positive impact young people have on the industry. This award recognises an examplary young professional in the early stages of their career.

The recipient of this award must meet the below criteria:

 Is in their first ten years of working in the industry.
 Is an IFCBAA member or is an employee of an IFCBAA Business Member.
 Shows a dedication to their work, further learning, and the interests of their colleagues.
 Is actively participating in industry events and/or committees.
 Demonstrates company and/or industry impact.
 Is respected and appreciated by their colleagues both at work and in the wider industry.