Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Two pathways – one qualification


There are two main pathways by which qualifications are awarded in Australia. These are:

1. Training and assessment pathway – this is the traditional classroom mode; and
2. Assessment only pathway – this includes the recognition or RPL pathway

Under the Australian national training system, it does not matter through which pathway the qualification was obtained. A qualification gained through RPL is still a nationally recognised qualification and carries exactly the same status in the national training system as a qualification achieved through the traditional training and assessment pathway.

The RPL pathway is not a ‘back door’ way to get a qualification. It is a legitimate way of gaining the qualification through demonstration of equivalent skills and knowledge. 

Benefits of RPL 

 There are some great benefits of RPL including:

You will have your skills, knowledge and experience recognised
It saves you time in achieving a qualification as you do not have to repeat learning for skills and knowledge you already have
It reduces fees spent to gain a qualification by not undertaking unnecessary training
It enables you to identify gaps in your knowledge and skills which can then be filled through professional development 

Introducing the CBFCA's simple four-step process to RPL - Simplicity is the key!

 Step 1 - Self-assessment. This is where you get to  self-assess your own skills, knowledge and experience against the requirements of the Diploma. Don't sweat it if you can't tick off on all aspects as there are ways to fill any skill gaps you may find.
Click HERE for the Diploma of Customs Broking Self Assessment Checklist
Click HERE for the Diploma of Freight Forwarding Self Assessment Checklist

Step 2 - Gather your supporting evidence. If your self-assessment told you that you are on track for RPL, then think about how you will provide the supporting evidence of your skills and knowledge. It may be a lot easier than you think. 

Step 3 - Submit your RPL application.  Now this is where the formal process starts of reviewing your evidence and engaging with an assessor in a supportive, two-way process of review. You are well on your way to gaining the Diploma.

Step 4 - Competency conversation. This is where you get to strut your stuff in conversation with an experienced customs broker who will go through some scenarios with you. The emphasis is on this as a two-way conversation - it's not an interrogation!

What happens next?

If you have been able to demonstrate you have the skills, knowledge and experience to be granted the Diploma, you will officially receive the Diploma of Customs Broking. If you find you still have some skills gaps, we are committed to working with you to  close those gaps and see you attain the Diploma as soon as possible.

If you need any further advice or information you can download the CBFCA's RPL Kit for the Diploma of Custom Broking by clicking HERE or
download the CBFCA's RPL kit for the Diploma of International Freight Forwarding by clicking

You can also
email Training or call on (02) 9587 1986.

Are you ready to make your RPL application?

Click HERE to enrol in the Diploma of Customs Broking via RPL.  

Click HERE to enrol in the Diploma of International Freight Forwarding via RPL.