Trading Terms and Conditions (NNF 2016/185)

In NNF 2016/182, the CBFCA provided comment to members in relation to its Trading Terms and Conditions (TTC) where it referenced Hunt & Hunt Lawyers as to solicited or unsolicited emails which may have been received from Hunt & Hunt Lawyers in relation to the provision of a fee for service review of TTCs.

Hunt & Hunt Lawyers has raised with the CBFCA that the CBFCA commentary in NNF 2016/182 to members could be taken as a suggestion that:

“...Hunt & Hunt may have sent unsolicited emails to CBFCA members,” and further,
“The comment on the website carries the inference that Hunt & Hunt has breached federal legislation.  This is a significant defamatory inference to make against a law firm.  The comment has been made directly to Hunt & Hunt clients and potential clients and has the potential to cause Hunt & Hunt loss and damage.”

The CBFCA never intended its commentary to its members to carry such an inference, and the CBFCA is only too happy to oblige (so as to maintain appropriate working relationships with Hunt & Hunt) as to the following request.

“Please let me know the name of any person who believes that they have received an unsolicited email and I will remove them from the list.  Alternatively, you may ask them to email me directly and request that they be removed from the list.  If there is no person who has in fact received an unsolicited email I request that by 4:00 pm today you remove the comment from your website and send a correction to the recipients of any alert containing the defamatory inference.”

So for members, if they feel that they are receiving emails unsolicited and wish to be removed from the list, please feel free to contact Russell Wiese at Hunt & Hunt Lawyers at [email protected].

The CBFCA again highlights to members the TTCs available on its website as a member service.