Working Tariff, TCO Concordance and Tariff Advices affected by HS 2017 changes (NNF 2016/205)

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) has released the following, much awaited, information with regards to HS 2017 changes;

a version of the Working Tariff which reflects the 2017 changes to the Harmonized System of Tariff Classification and the Expanded Information Technology Agreement (EITA).  
Schedule 3 HS 2017 

Note that importers must still use the 2012 version until 31 December 2016, which is also available online as the '2012 tariff'. Changes have also been made to the ICS to ensure that new classifications are applied automatically from 1 January.

DIBPN 2016/39, which provides further information on the practical implementation of HS 2017, including a concordance table showing affected TCOs (with their classifications and TCO numbers currently, and their classifications and new TCO numbers after 1 January 2017). The DIBPN also lists Tariff Advices affected by HS 2017.

The CBFCA has been following up with the Department daily to ensure that this much needed information would be supplied as soon as practicable given the critical timing of the changes with the holiday season .

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