Import Industry Advice & Notices

These links are to items of interest on YOUR industry and the latest industry notices from the DAWE & ABF Industry Notices

DAWE Import Industry Advice Notices
112-2020 - Amendment to 107-2020 – Current list of countries able to meet Australia’s interim import conditions for uncooked prawns from 1 July 2020
113-2020 - Expansion of the class 19.2 automatic entry processing for commodities (AEPCOMM) approved arrangement
114-2020 - The department is decommissioning a number of AQIS Commodity Codes (ACC) to align with the cessation of the offshore pre-shipment inspection program
115-2020 - Upcoming changes in nursery stock hosts requiring emergency measures for the bacterial pathogen Xylella
116-2020 - COLS, MARS and PEBS unavailable from 23:30 Friday 17 July to 01:30 Saturday 18 July 2020 (AEST)
117-2020 - Amendment to 112-2020 – Current list of countries able to meet Australia’s interim import conditions for uncooked prawns from 1 July 2020

ABF Customs Notices
2020-29 - Amendment to the Customs (Prohibited Exports) Regulations 1958 – Schedule 2 Rotterdam Convention Chemicals