At the recent Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department) Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) teleconference meeting attended by the CBFCA, the department provided an update from the BMSB Season Review 2019/20 “Have Your Say” survey feedback.

The department continues to work on the post-implementation review and said ‘The measures aimed at preventing a BMSB incursion have proven effective this year. There have been 221 detections of BMSB (live and dead), as compared with 312 detections for the entire 2018-19 BMSB season’.

Over 150,000 containers were subject to BMSB measures including over 9000 LCL/FAK containers lodged by Master Consolidators, and 43% were treated offshore and required no BMSB related intervention on arrival.

Changes to the LCL  /FAK measures for containers lodged by Master Consolidators has been a success and improved the processing efficiency for industry and the department.

Issues experienced this season

Key issues experienced this season include the onshore treatment delays due to backlog for general fumigation treatments at class 12 AA up to 4 weeks, volume v’s number of suitable AAs in some locations, containers packed too tightly and goods wrapped in plastic.

Since the implementation of a new class of AA 4.7, due to volume v’s number of 4.7 AAs in some locations, industry experienced delays and backlog for container adjustments at class 4.7 AA up to 12 weeks.

If importers chose to treat goods onshore the containers must be appropriately packed to enable goods in the container to be effectively treated as per the treatment methodology to minimise BMSB risks.

BMSB season measures 2020/21

The season measures for 2020/21 will remain the same with exception to including Portugal, Moldova, Ukraine on the target risk countries list. The impact is expected to be minimal due to the low volume of cargo imported from these countries.

• Measures apply to goods shipped from 1 September 2020 and arriving in Australian territory by 31 May 2021.
• Target high risk and target risk goods remain unchanged from last season Target risk countries and emerging risk countries remain the same, however, Portugal, Moldova, Ukraine will move from emerging risk to target risk countries.
• Any target high risk or target risk goods manufactured in, or shipped from these target risk countries are subject to the BMSB seasonal measures.
• Any vessel that berths at, loads or tranships goods from these countries are also subject to heightened vessel surveillance.
• Updated target risk countries and goods will be available on BMSB webpage when finalised.

Key messages:

• BMSB treatment of break bulk, flat rack and open top containers must be conducted offshore.
• While BMSB treatments on consignments in six hard sided containers can be conducted onshore on arrival, the department encourages offshore treatment where possible.
• Where treatment of consignments in six hard sided containers is not conducted offshore, importers can expect delays and increased costs due to the potential backlog of treatments required to be conducted onshore.
• Offshore BMSB treatments conducted by treatment providers registered on the Offshore BMSB Treatment Providers Scheme receive reduced intervention on arrival.

The CBFCA as a member of the Department’s Cargo Consultative Committee (DCCC) will continue to work with the department and keep members informed of any further developments.

Zoran Kostadinoski
Head of Border and Biosecurity