Dumping and countervailing - a deeper understanding (TNF2018/011)

Would you like to gain a deeper understanding about dumping and countervailing? Next week we are starting a unit of study from the Diploma of Customs Broking that focuses specifically on this topic and you are invited to join us to learn more about this often misunderstood subject.

The facilitator for this study unit will be John Chambers  who is a former Chairman of the CBFCA and a highly regarded trainer with over 30 year experience in the industry. Based on content originally created by a former Director of Training for the CBFCA, Sue Danks, this short course held via online classes held over four consecutive Tuesday evening classes covers topics including:

  • The basics of dumping
  • Reviews and the investigation process
  • Dumping calculations
If you have ever wanted to know more about this topic, here is your chance to find from one of our master trainers who is there online in live classes to answer  all of your questions and take you through a number of practical examples and worked scenarios.

To register for this study unit, please click HERE and for more information contact us via email or phone on (07) 3256 0146

Bill Murphy
CBFCA Manager Professional Development and Training