Tariff Concessions Gazette (NNF 2019/241)

The Commonwealth of Australia Tariff Concessions Gazette (the Gazette) gives legal effect to the creation of a number of instruments such as By-Laws, Tariff Concession Orders (TCOs), TCO Revocations and Determinations.

Objectors to the making of a TCO are not identified unless the objection is successful.

At least 50 new TCOs are made each month. When a new TCO is made, it is published in the Gazette by the Australian Border Force (ABF) each Wednesday.

Please be aware that the Gazette is published on the ABF website and is now the permanent home for the Gazette and its archives.

The Gazette can also be accessed via the CBFCA Tariff for those that use our system.

To have the Gazette emailed to you each week, send a request to [email protected]

Zoran Kostadinoski
Head of Border and Biosecurity
Regional  Manager VIC | TAS | SA, CBFCA