CBFCA Nomination and Voting process 2019/2020 (NNF 2019/212)

In accordance with the Customs Brokers and Forwarders Council of Australia Ltd. (CBFCA) Rules for Incorporation, all positions of Directors of the CBFCA become vacant at the Annual General Meeting.  As you will be aware existing Directors are also eligible to stand for re-election.

Nominations close for all positions at the close of business 9 September 2019 CBFCA Administration Sydney Eastern Standard Time .

The Directors of the Board are:

President (x5)
  • New South Wales (Australian Capital Territory)
  • Victoria (Tasmania)
  • South Australia
  • Western Australia
  • Queensland (Northern Territory)

Nominations for these positions are from members within the respective States and subject, if need be, to a vote by members in those States. All positions are valid for 2 years.

National Positions (x2)

In addition to the above Regional positions there are the National positions of:
  • Vice Chairman
  • Chairman

These National positions are open to nomination by all members and subject, if needs be, to a National vote.

View the relevant nomination and voting forms below:
In accordance with CBFCA Rule 19(1)(b) (as referenced below) all nominations must be received forty-five (45) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

CBFCA Rule 19(1)(b)

(b) shall be delivered to the secretary of the Association not less than forty-five (45) days before the date fixed for the holding of the Annual General Meeting.

*As to the positions of Director Freight and Business operations and Director Professional Development and Training, the following requirements apply:

CBFCA Rule 19(7)

The following restrictions apply to nominations for election:

(a) Only individual members shall have the right to nominate and second in respect to the position of Director, Professional Development and Training of the Association. 

(b) Only business members shall have the right to nominate and second in respect to the position of Director Business and Freight Operations of the Association. 


The elected positions will become effective as from the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held in Melbourne (Crown Promenade) on 24 October 2019 and details as to the AGM will be notified to members.

Chief Executive Officer
Paul Damkjaer