Stevedore Infrastructure Charges (NNF 2018/033)

The alarming trend in Stevedore Infrastructure Surcharges continues.

These "charges" were first invented by DP World and then Patrick followed DP World's lead.

The CBFCA will now further escalate it's concerns on this situation again with the Port Authories, respective State Governments and the ACCC.

We will also contine to closely monitor cost comparisons and increases between Patrick and DP World and report on those.

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By vewing the Infrastructure Charge trends below, members will be able to view a pattern to them….

These costs continue to increase at a now rapid pace, thus materially increasing the costs of FCL and FAK container imports and exports through Austalian port terminals

CBFCA members have no option at this point but to continue to pass on these costs to their importer and exporter clients.

 PATRICK   From 10 July 2017    From 12 March 2018 
 Sydney  $25.45  $41.10 
 Melbourne  $32.00  $47.50 
 Brisbane  $32.55  $38.25 
Fremantle  $4.76  $7.50 

 DP WORLD   From 3 April 2017   From 1 January 2018 
 Sydney  $21.16  $37.65 
 Melbourne  $32.50  $49.20 
 Brisbane  $32.74  $38.75 
 Fremantle  $ -   $8.22 

Scott Carson
Commercial Manager


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