Samsung Galaxy Note 7 - Update (NNF 2017/042)

The following information has been provided by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority and is forwarded for your attention.

Following the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 recall notice in 2016, the FAA made Emergency Restriction/Prohibition Order FAA-2016-9288. This introduced a number of requirements, including a requirement that operators alert passengers to the prohibition of the air transport of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 devices, immediately prior to boarding.

A number of operators alerted passengers either when the boarding call was made and/or by way of public address on the aircraft when all passengers were on board.

A number of operators chose to implement the public address in Australian terminal boarding areas and on domestically operated aircraft; for various reasons including:
  • It was an enterprise wide implementation to maintain consistency and avoid inadvertent non-compliance;
  • The application of the Operator’s SMS had judged it a necessary practice as the devices had been on sale in Australia;
  • The broadcasts were becoming/had become an endemic industry practice."

Read the full Notice HERE.