Tariff Amendment Bills (NNF 2016/163)

During the last Member Legal Forums conducted by Andrew Hudson in September, he advised those in attendance that there would be 2 sets of tariff amendments coming into effect on 1 January 2017, the first being to give effect to the WCO HS 2017 review of tariff classifications and the second to be the implementation of the expanded WTO IT Agreement which will expand the categories of “Information Technology” goods entitled to duty free entry.

 The Bills relating to both sets of amendments have now been introduced to Parliament. These are:

The eITA Bill was introduced yesterday – click HERE to view
The HS2017 Bill which was introduced on 13 October  -  click HERE to view

The CBFCA will be working to provide information on the proposed amendments and the likely effects on your business and that of your clients and, to this end, we are hoping to provide some further insight into these Bills as part of our combined CBC/CPD industry forums scheduled for next month in the major capital cities.

In the meantime, members should watch the DIBP website for the release of Notices from the DIBP on these amendments.