DAWR Front counter changes (NNF 2016/110)

The following information has been provided by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) in Industry Notice 80-2016 and is forwarded for your attention.

"Who does this notice affect?

Import documents requiring a biosecurity assessment will no longer be accepted over the counter.

The department has invested in, deployed and continues to enhance, the Cargo Online Lodgement System (COLS) for import documentation requiring a biosecurity assessment. COLS has streamlined the process of document lodgement and assessment through the use of modern technology, allowing clients to lodge import documentation online, reducing previous inefficiencies and increasing transparency of the assessment process.

A user guide, questions & answers and tips for using the system have been updated and are also available on our website.

What has changed?

As of 5pm (in the respective time zone) on Friday 9 September 2016, departmental staff will no longer accept import documentation over the counter, except for when original documents have been requested.

Contingency plans (systems outage)

Should a COLS system outage occur (as identified in an Industry Advice issued by the department), limited import documentation will be accepted over the counter in impacted locations. In this circumstance, documentation will only be accepted to facilitate urgent and perishable consignments.

To read the full Industry Advice Notice, click HERE.