Industry Food Notice 05-16 (NNF 2016/43)

The following information has been provided by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources and is forwarded for your attention.

Who does this notice affect?

This notice is for food importers who are interested in contributing to strengthening Australia’s imported food safety system by participating in our online survey.

What has changed?

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources is working with the Department of Health to provide greater assurance that imported food is safe. The work will look into the management of imported food to strengthen our ability to identify, respond to and manage food safety risks.

The survey will collect quantitative information including the frequency and type of imports, compliance with the Imported Food Inspection Scheme, supply chain assurance you have in place and the traceability of food.

Participation is anonymous and all information collected will be confidential. The survey, being run by Colmar Brunton, takes less than 20 minutes to complete.

By completing the survey you will help inform a Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) which will include an analysis of the costs and benefits of the proposed reform options.

The survey is the first step in helping us better understand and measure implications for food importers of proposed reforms.

Click here to access the survey​.

Your opportunity to participate in the survey closes on 3 May 2016.

Further information?

For further information, please visit Importing Food or contact the Imported Food Reform section at Imported Food or call us on 1800 900 090."